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If you want a binding financial agreement, then you will need to discuss the following with your partner beforehand:
• who will work during the relationship?
• is there a plan to have children?
• are there children from previous relationships?
• what happens if either partner can no longer work?
• what happens if a child has a disability or illness requiring significant care?
• what are your retirement goals?
• will assets be joint or separate?
Cameron and Michelle planned a wedding and were looking forward to the big day. Everything was organized except for the financial arrangements for their married life. Cameron had a thriving business and Michelle was the composite professional. Both had saved hard and had decent equity in property and share investment portfolios. They had both reached a level of financial independence long before they met. Although looking forward to married life, they also wanted to protect their property and investments, neither wanted unpleasant surprises and uncertainty if their marriage didn’t work out. Cameron and Michelle carefully considered the different possibilities their future might hold and how they would manage financially. They entered a binding Financial Agreement which provided for their own entitlements and those of any children, ensuring financial hardship and unnecessary legal costs were avoided in their future life.
Situations where the agreement may not be binding include: